Cozy and warm underfoot- and another layer of beauty in a room. Adding a rug to a seating area or hallway brings more than just a soft spot to walk on – it also brings charm and beauty to your home. While in most of my rooms, I tend to leave much of the floor the bare hardwood- in some places, beautiful aubusson rugs are perfection. And my most favorite kinds of rugs are vintage and antique or at least ones that have a vintage or antique look and feel. We explored all those beautiful pillows recently- and this week,
Tag: home improvement
Home Improvement Boom Is Over As Inflation, Debt, House Prices Bite
- US home improvement surged during the pandemic as many people had spare cash and little to buy.
- Home Depot warned the boom may be over as higher prices and borrowing costs squeeze consumers.
- The retailer’s bosses expect lower demand to mean flat sales and an earnings decline this year.
American homeowners invested heavily in renovating and expanding their dwellings over the past three years. Here’s a closer look at the US home improvement boom, and why
10 ways to add spring sunshine to your home in just a few minutes
It is March 1st and I am definitely thinking spring over here. Especially after the recent storms and damage that we are sorting now. We are staying out of the area currently because of storms and damage- so it’s all about today’s favorites and 10 simple, easy and quick ways to add a bit of spring warmth and sunshine to your home.
10 Ways to Add Spring Sunshine
#1. Clip a Few Branches
Adding spring to the house can be as easy as wandering outside to clip a few branches with blossoms from the yard. Though these are mostly just
Treasure Hunt- Antique French Mirror
Another day… another treasure hunt. This time, it was a gorgeous large antique mirror that stopped me in my tracks.

Antique French Mirror
I have to stop browsing marketplaces. It almost always leads to me saving things and showing my husband something else that we should go pick up. Which, I am okay with. I honestly save a lot more things than I ever asked about or decided to pursue. So, kind of like window shopping right? Just getting ideas and inspiration for decor changes, etc. Unless I find something like this mirror.

Vintage Shopping
It was early in the
Tim Allen Flashes ‘Home Improvement’ costar in Resurfaced Blooper Clip
Tim Allen says Pamela Anderson‘s claim he flashed her behind the scenes on “Home Improvement” is a lie … but there’s a newly resurfaced clip showing the actor flashing another costar in a playful blooper.
The scene includes Tim and Patricia Richardson, who played Tim’s wife, Jill Taylor, on the popular sitcom. Allen’s dressed in a kilt, and Patricia says, “Hangs long, I just wish it was shorter.”
Allen then lifts his kilt, and while the camera doesn’t show what’s under it, Patricia tells TMZ, “People ask me what was under the
Home Improvement’s Patricia Richardson Clarified That Clip Of Tim Allen Flashing Her After Pamela Anderson Claimed The Same
Pamela Anderson is back in the headlines again thanks to the release of her impending memoir, titled Love, Pamelaand the Netflix documentary that will put a similar focus on her meteoric rise to fame, as well as her later life and many successes. An early excerpt from the book exploded this week, as Anderson claimed that the former Home Improvements co-star Tim Allen flashed his penis at her on the set. Allen denied everything, but things appeared newly murky after a video clip surfaced depicting the stand-up comedian lifting a kilt in front of co-lead Patricia Richardson. Now,
Lowe’s to open coastal holding facility in Newport Twp. thisspring | business
Home improvement giant Lowe’s has expanded its delivery model to meet demand amid supply chain challenges by opening coastal holding facilities, including one in Jenkins Twp. and another one set to open soon in Newport Twp.
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Tax tips for homeowners 2022: Tax credits and breaks
Homeownership comes with a lot of financial responsibility and a never-ending list of home improvement projects.
But for anyone who pays a mortgage, the good news is that you can deduct several home expenses come tax time — especially if you itemize your taxes — or enjoy other tax breaks as a home owner.
Here are the top tax tips for homeowners.
1. Mortgage interest deduction
While you can no longer deduct the cost of homeowners insurance premiums, you can write off what you paid toward mortgage interest — if you’re eligible and you itemize your deductions.
Start by looking