SS Renovation Doug Adams Stadium underwent major demolition, renovation this morning

Doug Adams Stadium underwent major demolition, renovation this morning

Doug Adams Stadium underwent major demolition, renovation this morning

Demolition and renovation of Doug Adams Stadium is set to begin today morning.

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The Xenia Community Schools Board of Education approved an agreement to demolish parts of Doug Adams Stadium, namely the grandstands, and renovate multiple structural features to modernize and improve accessibility. The improvement project was approved Monday, December 12 at a regular meeting.

The improvement project was composed of multiple phases—the first of which areas addressed the highest concerns: stadium lighting, stands, and press boxes.

Phase I sought the following changes to each of the areas requiring attention:

  1. Stadium Lighting: Replace the current six light poles with four energy-efficient LED options; includes all new electrical wiring for those structures.

  2. Stands: Replace fan seating with ADA-compliant options, increasing seating for the home team from 3,500 to 4,000 seats. Away stands will increase from 1,500 to 2,000 seats. In addition, the home and away sides of the field will be switched.

  3. PressBox: Replace the structure at the top of the home bleachers with a single-story structure that will include an open observation deck above

Construction was planned to occur during the summer months with the goal of maintaining the home game schedule for the fall, when the regular academic year recommendations.

“The demolition will likely take place over a few days, but our community will see a significant impact after Monday morning,” Superintendent Dr. Gabe Lofton said. “This project has been a long time coming, and I know our student athletes, coaches, and parents are as excited as I am to see it get under way.”

“I truly believe that we are creating a facility that will support the growth and development of our student-athletes, as well as one that this community can be proud of,” Lofton continued.

The renovation process would demolish the current locker room facilities located beneath the bleachers, necessitating the need for mobile units to be placed within the next two weeks. The goal was to use them for only one year.

The second phase of renovation was slated for 2024. It would address other major areas in need with a focus on constructing a field house with new locker rooms, improved concessions, restrooms, additional parking, and more, a spokesperson for the district said.

The final space was expected to impact numerous community members as it was currently used for soccer, lacrosse, and track teams along with youth leagues and local club soccer teams. Doug Adams Stadium also saw hundreds of competitions throughout the spring, summer, and fall.

Previous improvements to the facility included replacing the track in 2017, and the turf field in 2015.