Flowers belong everywhere in my opinion- painted on furniture, woven into bedding, covering wallpaper and artwork and even on pillows and rugs. One of the things I have been asked about over the years is where to find those beautiful floral vintage Aubusson style pillows- and today this post is all about a few floral needlepoint pillows that I bumped into while shopping recently.

So if you have been looking for a little vintage floral chic to add to your home- this post is for you.
Vintage Style Floral Needlepoint Pillows

I found several of these beautiful pillows years ago- and have been enjoying them in various areas of our home ever since. There is something sweet and nostalgic and charming about them.
Where to enjoy

I love to add a floral pillow in with others on the sofa for a collected look. On the bed is a perfect place for a larger pillow and of course, placing one on a chair or bench is also a lovely touch. If you have a pair of chairs – a pair of matching or color coordinated pillows is a charming look and if you have several sizes in cohesive colors, they look lovely on a window seat or sofa.
Get the Look
I shopped and saved some beautiful floral needlepoint pillows below. I can’t decide which is my favorite- but I might have a couple of these in my cart as we speak. *affiliate links
Happy Wednesday all!